What Is Eft Tapping 7 Easy Steps For Anxiety Relief

Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety? You’re not alone. It’s a challenging experience, one that can leave you feeling helpless and isolated. But what if there were a tool you could use right now to help ease your anxiety? A technique that combines the power of cognitive behavioral therapy with the ancient art of acupressure.

Welcome to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping – an approach designed to help you manage stress, alleviate anxiety, and restore balance in your life.

You may be questioning how applying pressure to specific points on your body while focusing on negative emotions or physical sensations could provide relief from the gripping claws of anxiety. That’s okay! What’s more important is your willingness to learn and explore this powerful self-help tool.

Throughout this article, we’ll break down EFT tapping into seven simple steps for anxiety relief. We’ll explore its roots, delve into scientific evidence supporting its efficacy, explain how it works, reveal its impacts on mental health and stress hormones, show you how to incorporate empowering statements into your tapping routine and introduce Meria Bar-Lev – a trained Tapping Coach who can aid in mastering this technique.

So sit back and open yourself up to the possibility of finding peace amidst the chaos; let EFT tapping guide you towards tranquility within yourself again.

Key Takeaways

  • EFT tapping is a self-help tool and therapeutic technique for clinical and stress-related issues.
  • Tapping significantly reduces anxiety and is beneficial for people with PTSD and depression.
  • EFT tapping is based on the energy and meridian system used in acupuncture.
  • Tapping while repeating empowering statements activates parts of the brain in charge of self-processing and behavior change.

Understanding the Technique

You might be wondering how EFT tapping works, and it’s actually a fascinating blend of cognitive behavioral therapy and acupressure that’s been shown to significantly reduce anxiety, lower cortisol levels, and even offer relief from PTSD and depression.

This self-help tool is an effective therapeutic technique that combines the benefits of tapping on specific acupressure points with the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy. The result? A powerful method for releasing negative emotions, restoring your energy flow, and shifting your body away from the fight or flight response.

EFT tapping can seem unusual at first glance but consider this – it’s like having a stress relief tool in the palm of your hands. Quite literally! You tap on specific points on your body while acknowledging discomfort and offering yourself acceptance. It may seem too good to be true but science backs up these claims. Tapping sends a calming signal to not just your mind but also your nervous system which results in decreased cortisol levels – goodbye stress hormone!

While understanding EFT tapping is one thing, experiencing its benefits is another story altogether. So why not give it a shot? What have you got to lose except maybe some unneeded anxiety or negative emotions? Remember, this therapeutic technique isn’t about eliminating all negative feelings; instead, it’s about helping you manage them more effectively so they no longer hold you back in life.

Now that we’ve explored what EFT tapping is all about, let’s dive into how this revolutionary method came into being in our next section: ‘Origins and Development’.

Origins and Development

Let’s dive into the roots and evolution of this intriguing technique, shall we? EFT tapping has its roots in Thought Field Therapy (TFT), a therapeutic technique developed by psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan. TFT is based on the energy and meridian system used in acupuncture, but it was Gary Craig who took this concept to another level.

As the founder of EFT tapping, he simplified Callahan’s complex algorithms into an easy-to-follow sequence that could be implemented by anyone as a self-help tool. Gary Craig’s simplification revolutionized how people viewed their ability to manage anxiety and stress-related issues. His work emphasized that regardless of the condition being treated, tapping certain points on the body can restore energy flow and empower your body’s inherent capacity for healing itself.

The power of this therapeutic technique lies not only in its approach to treating clinical applications but also in its accessibility for everyday use.

The history of EFT tapping shows us how far it has come from its origins as a clinical treatment to becoming a widely accepted self-help tool backed by substantial research. Today, numerous studies have confirmed its beneficial effects on mental health conditions like PTSD, phobias, and depression. Yet there’s even more scientific evidence that further solidifies the effectiveness of EFT Tapping therapy which we will explore next!

Scientific Backing

Imagine this: it’s as if the brain’s a bustling city, and stress is like traffic congestion, causing slowdowns and hindering movement. But suddenly, a traffic controller appears – that’s the role of EFT tapping therapy in our brains.

A study published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease found that cortisol levels (a marker for stress) significantly dropped by 24% after just one hour of tapping therapy. This research offers compelling proof that this technique can help clear the gridlock caused by stress, enabling smoother flow of thoughts and emotions for a healthier mind.

Scientific studies further support these claims. One such investigation examined how combining cognitive behavioral therapy with EFT tapping on specific acupressure points can enhance energy flow to reduce anxiety symptoms. It also showed how exposure therapy incorporated into EFT helps people face their fears without being overwhelmed, fostering self-acceptance as they acknowledge discomfort while asserting their resilience. Even more intriguing? Tapping during these sessions activated parts of the brain responsible for self-processing and behavior change — akin to flipping switches in a control room to reroute power where it’s most needed.

The roots of EFT lie in Thought Field Therapy (TFT), which was simplified by Gary Craig into what we now know as EFT tapping. These techniques have been rigorously tested for treating mental health conditions including PTSD, phobias, depression, and more. And with every new piece of evidence uncovered about its effectiveness at reducing anxiety or improving mood, it becomes clearer why so many therapists offer this powerful tool amongst their treatments today.

So let’s delve deeper now into how exactly does this calming signal work within your brain to alleviate anxiety…

Mechanism of Action

Understanding the mechanism of action is key to appreciating how this therapeutic technique can transform your mental health. EFT Tapping, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques tapping, taps into your body’s own energy and healing power. It’s a blend of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology that works by stimulating specific meridian points on your body while you focus on negative emotions or physical sensations. You tap these points with your fingers, effectively sending signals to the parts of the brain that control stress.

The EFT Tapping Process: This begins by identifying what’s bothering you – a memory, worry, fear or anything else causing distress. Then you rate the intensity level of your discomfort on a scale from 0 to 10. Next, you create an affirmation statement that acknowledges the problem but also affirms self-acceptance despite it. As you repeat this phrase aloud, you tap through eight specific EFT Tapping Points in sequence.

EFT Tapping for Anxiety

The Power of Self-Acceptance: Emphasizing self-acceptance during tapping helps release stuck energy and promotes emotional balance. It encourages forgiveness and compassion towards oneself which aids in anxiety relief.

Healing Through Energy Flow: By physically tapping on certain points along our body’s energy pathways (meridians), we can unblock any disruptions caused by negative feelings or thoughts.

EFT Tapping Research has shown promising results in treating stress-related conditions including anxiety and PTSD as well as fostering emotional healing overall. One study even noted significant decreases in cortisol levels – our ‘stress hormone’ – after participants completed just one hour of tapping! Depicting its potential power to heal at a physiological level too. What makes this tool so brilliant is its versatility; EFT Tapping for Anxiety might include focusing on fears about future events whereas EFT Tapping for Self Acceptance could involve working through past traumas or insecurities about personal flaws.

So now that we’ve glimpsed into how this transformative technique works, let’s explore further how it plays an essential role in addressing mental health issues; helping individuals find comfort within their own skin again, regain control over their emotions, and ultimately lead more fulfilling lives.

Addressing Mental Health

When it comes to addressing mental health issues, this therapeutic technique plays an essential role. EFT tapping is a powerful tool that not only helps in managing stress and anxiety but also caters to specific mental health conditions. By tapping on certain acupuncture points while verbalizing your fears and worries, you engage the parts of your brain responsible for self-processing and behavior change. This technique can be integrated into your daily self-care routine, allowing you to explore the connection between emotions and physical health.

Let’s delve deeper into some benefits of EFT tapping:

Anxiety ReliefHelps reduce feelings of unease or worryUse during anxious moments or when thinking about triggers
PTSD & Phobia ManagementProven effective in overcoming trauma-related disorders and irrational fearsTap while recalling traumatic events or feared objects/situations
Depression ReductionCan decrease feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or disinterestTap while acknowledging these negative emotions

Now as you begin practicing EFT tapping techniques regularly, you’ll notice a significant shift in how you cope with life’s stresses. Research on its effectiveness reveals that it sends calming signals to the brain which aids in restoring emotional balance. It isn’t merely beneficial for mental health alone but has profound effects on physical well-being too due to its ability to regulate cortisol levels – our body’s primary stress hormone.

Moreover, don’t hesitate using EFT tapping alongside traditional therapy approaches; they work wonderfully together! Therapists at platforms like BetterHelp and Talkspace often incorporate this method into their treatment plans due to its proven efficacy. So why wait? Start exploring this holistic approach today! Let’s now move forward with understanding more about how EFT Tapping works towards reducing those pesky stress hormones.

Reducing Stress Hormones

After understanding the importance of addressing mental health, it’s crucial to learn how EFT tapping can be a game-changer for reducing stress hormones as well. This technique not only helps in managing anxiety but also plays an essential role in hormone balance and cortisol regulation.

When you feel threatened or stressed, your body releases cortisol, often referred to as the ‘stress hormone.’ Too much cortisol can lead to various problems including anxiety. Luckily, EFT tapping has been found to decrease this stress hormone significantly, helping you restore emotional well-being.

EFT tapping stimulates specific meridian points on your body which sends signals directly to your brain’s stress response system. This physiological response aids in stress reduction by calming down your central nervous system and decreasing cortisol levels. As a result, you’ll likely experience less anxiety and increased relaxation.

The beauty of EFT is that it blends cognitive behavioral therapy with acupressure techniques to provide relief from both psychological and physiological symptoms of stress.

But EFT tapping does more than just reduce cortisol levels; it promotes overall emotional wellbeing too. You might find yourself feeling lighter, calmer – even happier after regular sessions of tapping. The practice encourages self-acceptance which fosters a positive mindset leading to better health outcomes overall.

By using this powerful tool for anxiety management and relaxation techniques regularly, you’re taking control of your physiological responses to stress while promoting emotional healing at the same time.

Now let’s explore how incorporating empowering statements during the process can add another level of effectiveness towards achieving equilibrium in mind and body.

Incorporating Empowering Statements

You might be wondering how to make the most out of each tapping session, right? Well, integrating positive affirmations or empowering statements into your routine can take its effectiveness to a whole new level. Harnessing the power of affirmations during EFT tapping helps you tap into your subconscious mind, challenge and overcome limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

This practice not only enhances self-confidence but also promotes healing by replacing old thought patterns with new ones that are filled with positivity.

Building self-compassion is another essential aspect of using empowering statements in EFT tapping. It’s about recognizing your worth and boosting self-esteem even amid anxiety and distress. By speaking kindly to yourself, you cultivate positivity and acceptance, which aids in strengthening resilience against stressors. Remember, it’s okay not to be okay sometimes; everyone has their struggles. The key is learning how to manage these challenges effectively – and that’s where incorporating empowering phrases while tapping comes into play.

Manifesting abundance through EFT tapping involves creating a mindset rich in gratitude and optimism. As you tap on those specific acupressure points while repeating affirmative phrases like “I’m capable”or “I deserve happiness”, you’re programming your brain towards success and wellbeing. This process doesn’t just alleviate anxiety; it also paves the way for healthier emotional responses in the future.

Now that we’ve explored how empowering statements enrich the EFT experience, let’s move on to discover how working with Meria Bar-Lev, a trained tapping coach, can further enhance this therapeutic technique for anxiety relief.

Working With Meria Bar-Lev Trained Tapping Coach

Working with Meria Bar-Lev, a trained tapping coach, can elevate your journey towards self-discovery and healing. A seasoned professional in the field of EFT tapping, Meria has honed her skills to help you master this powerful self-help technique.

Working with a certified life coach like her provides personalized guidance tailored to your unique experiences and needs. She’ll guide you through identifying common tapping points on your body that are most effective for relieving anxiety and help you formulate empowering statements that resonate deeply with your personal experiences.

The benefits of engaging Meria’s services go beyond learning the mechanics of EFT tapping. As many testimonials from her clients reveal, she provides empathetic support while helping individuals confront their anxieties head-on. Overcoming resistance is a crucial part of the process, and having a supportive coach can make all the difference.

With expertise in combining EFT tapping with other therapies, she also offers comprehensive solutions for mental health wellness. You’ll not only find relief from anxiety but also gain tools for long-term emotional resilience.

While working one-on-one with Meria is highly beneficial, don’t fret if it’s not an option for you right now. Online resources are available to guide you on this journey too! Platforms like BetterHelp and Talkspace offer online therapy options including EFT Tapping as a treatment modality.

Remember: whether it’s through direct coaching or leveraging digital platforms- embarking on this path means taking control of your anxiety rather than letting it control you. The key lies in consistency; so tap into courage, start today – because when it comes to overcoming anxiety and reclaiming peace-of-mind – every small step matters!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time of day to practice EFT tapping for anxiety relief?”

Imagine the soft morning sunlight streaming in through your window, casting a warm glow on your day as you prepare to start your tapping routine. When it comes to the best time of day for EFT tapping, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer—what matters most is finding a consistent routine that works for you.

Morning tapping, when the world is still quiet and your mind fresh, can be an ideal way to frame your day positively and proactively manage anxiety. However, don’t overlook evening practice either; think of it as an intimate bedtime ritual that helps calm anxious thoughts before sleep. Pre-workout tapping could also be beneficial by preparing your body and mind for exertion, while post-workout tapping may aid in recovery and relaxation.

The optimal frequency will depend on the severity of your anxiety, but generally speaking, daily sessions lasting from 5 to 15 minutes (Tapping Duration) are recommended. Remember, EFT is all about creating balance within – just like how the sun rises and sets with perfect timing each day – so too should your EFT practice blend seamlessly into the rhythm of your life.

Are there any potential risks or side effects associated with EFT tapping?”

While EFT tapping is generally considered safe and beneficial for many, it’s important to be aware of some potential risks or side effects. Like any therapy involving physical touch, there may be some skin irritation or allergy risks connected with the actual act of tapping, especially if you have sensitive skin. It’s always wise to start gently and pay attention to your body’s reactions.

When dealing with emotional issues, EFT can sometimes trigger a significant emotional upheaval as suppressed feelings come to the surface. This can feel overwhelming but remember that this is part of the healing process. However, if you’ve experienced severe trauma or abuse, consider seeking professional help before trying EFT on your own due to its potential to unearth intense emotions.

Additionally, excessive relaxation following an EFT session might leave you feeling a bit too mellow for certain activities like driving or operating heavy machinery – so plan accordingly! As with any therapeutic practice, take these EFT safety precautions seriously and keep in mind any contraindications related to your personal health situation before diving into this powerful self-help tool.

How long does it typically take to see results from EFT tapping for anxiety relief?”

Imagine you’re feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, and after hearing about EFT tapping, you decide to give it a try.

The timeline for seeing results from EFT tapping can greatly vary due to factors like emotional readiness, personal experiences, and frequency of practice. Some people may notice a decrease in anxiety levels immediately after their first session; others might take several weeks or even months of consistent practice before they start noticing significant changes.

The effectiveness of the techniques used and the impact of consistency can’t be overstated. It’s important to tap on the correct locations on your body as guided by your therapist or an online tutorial for maximum benefits.

Remember, everyone’s journey with EFT tapping is unique – there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ when it comes to healing and relief from anxiety. Keep in mind that while some days might be challenging than others, having faith in the process and maintaining regularity is key.

Listen to your body, follow your therapist’s guidance closely, and don’t rush yourself – healing takes time but it’s worth every moment spent towards achieving peace of mind.

Can EFT tapping be practiced by children and teenagers suffering from anxiety?”

Absolutely, EFT tapping can be a child-friendly technique that both children and teenagers can practice to cope with anxiety symptoms and teenage stress. With simple EFT adaptations, it becomes an easy, quick routine they can incorporate into their day.

There are numerous EFT success stories from young people who’ve found relief from their anxieties through this method. Tapping’s efficiency in calming the nervous system makes it remarkably effective for all ages. However, as with any therapy technique, parental guidance is recommended when introducing these practices to children and younger teens. It’s always best to consult with a therapist for recommendations tailored specifically to your child’s needs and situation.

Remember, every step towards managing anxiety is a victory in itself – so why not give EFT tapping a try?

Is EFT tapping compatible with medication for anxiety and other mental health conditions?”

Imagine the weight of anxiety pressing down on you, stealing your peace and joy. Now picture a gentle tapping sensation, like raindrops falling on your skin, carrying away your stress bit by bit. That’s EFT tapping for you—a beacon of hope in an often stormy mental landscape.

When it comes to medication interaction and EFT compatibility, there needn’t be any fear or hesitation. You see, there are no known contraindications between EFT tapping and anxiety medication or other mental health drugs. Rather than causing adverse drug reactions, this therapeutic technique can work harmoniously alongside your prescription regimen—creating a synergistic effect that promotes healing and relief from distressing emotions.

So yes, even as you continue with your prescribed medications—anxiety tablets or otherwise—you can also embrace the power of EFT tapping without worrying about any negative influences on your treatment plan. It’s like having an extra tool in your self-care toolkit—one that complements rather than conflicts with what you’re already doing to nurture yourself back to health and happiness.


In wrapping up, remember that ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,’ and that first step could be EFT tapping.
You’re not alone in your battle against anxiety – tools like EFT tapping are here to help you regain control and find relief.

Understanding the science behind it, incorporating empowering statements, and perhaps working with a trained coach can enhance the effectiveness of this self-help technique.
Feel empowered to take charge of your mental health today!

Meet Meira Golbert Bar-Lev, is a certified Journey Life Practitioner and a highly experienced life and relationship coach with over 20 years of expertise in the field. Meira’s transformative programs are designed to help individuals overcome personal traumas, blocks, or fears that hold them back from leading a free, successful, and happy life.

Meira Bar-Lev is a native of the United States and works worldwide with English speaking clients.  She also coaches clients face to face in the Jerusalem Area.

Meira’s compassionate, empathetic, and intuitive approach, combined with her tailored combination of methods, research, and experience, helps individuals overcome specific   obstacles in their lives. Her ultimate passion is to help people find love and lead fulfilling lives.

If you’re interested in improving your life and achieving your goals, book Meira for a free, no-obligation consultation. 

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