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The Journey Coaching

The Journey Accredited Life Coach
18 Years Of Empathic Experience

Our minds can create prisons or palaces, abundance or scarcity. I'll be your journey life coach and guide.

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The Journey Practitioners Life Coaching

Meira Bar-Lev Certified Journey Life Practitioner

You must understand the whole of life, not just one part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, why you must sing, dance, laugh, and write poems. We must also cry and suffer, in order to grow and understand, for all that is life too. However, that is not enough, we are obligated to complete the cycle, restore ourselves, and heal.

Table of Contents

Confident woman hiking

Work with a Life Coach!

Awaken your infinite potential

You can begin now with a FREE no obligation 20-minute assessment session. I will hear you, understand your needs and tell you if, and hopefully how I can help you. i work with clients worldwide via Zoom or WhatsApp. We will discuss using the Journey coaching method with me as your Life Coach.  I have worked as a Life Coach for 30 years with clients just like you.

The Journey Practitioners

Transform & Empower Yourself

Accredited practitioner and Life Coach since 2005. Offering a transformative approach to mental, emotional, and physical well-being. A respected authority in her field. Discover deep purpose and meaning as you strive to become the best versions of yourself. Via the Journey Method.

Meira is a certified teacher of Ancient Kabbalistic Meditation techniques.  Using these principles it is possible to uncover trauma and blocks unknown to the client and to resolve them.   It is powerful and leads to dramatic improvements not found in lengthy traditional therapy.

life coaching

Meira is a Journey Accredited Life Coach with 18 Years of Experience. Meira’s path to holistic energetic healing began when she realized her innate talent during a healing circle ago. Her deep intuition and empathy have enabled her to help others for over thirty years. You can achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. 

Somatic healing

Resolve symptoms of stress, shock, PTSD, and trauma in our bodies. Trauma results from accidents, medical procedures, sexual or physical assault, emotional abuse, and neglect.  Release of thwarted survival energy bound in the body, addressing the root cause of trauma symptoms.

Meira is here for you!

Who is a Journey Process suited for?

Women seeking to recover from divorce, emotional neglect, PTSD, grief, or emontional unavailibility.

Finding Love. Relationship coaching: are you single over 30? Years after divorce, widowed, or never married?

Various challenges, including career, self confidence, body image, personal realationships, trauma, PTSD, and depression. Health issues , cancer, digestive issues.

a woman on the path to freedom

Meira Bar-Lev is a highly regarded Journey Accredited  Practitioner, life coach, holistic counselor, and energetic healing expert. As one of the first accredited The Journey Practitioners in Israel, she works with women worldwide online. She draws from the teachings of Brandon Bays and offers a transformative approach to mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Free Ebook

How working with The Journey Coaching clears blocks and trauma.

I have written an Ebook I want to give you as my free gift.  It has lots of great information about the journey practitioners for you. It explains how The Journey Coaching works and includes practical steps to improve your life.  — Meria

Personalized Life Coaching Services

The Journey Method - Take your Life back

1-1 Journey Coaching

Online Or In Person

One-on-One Coaching sessions give the most powerful results for Recovery from Divorce, Trauma, Abandonment, PTSD, Shyness, and Confidence Issues.  Learn more!

Finding Love Again

A Mastermind Group For Women​

A group or one-on-one Zoom series coaching  Women having difficulty finding the the right man. After Divorce or Widowhood.

Healing From Grief

The Journey Coaching For Women

A group or one-on-one Zoom series coaching  Women called “Healing From Grief” for those suffering from grief years after their loss.

Client Testimonials

What do they say about The Journey Coaching Method

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A transformational, positive, and empowering experience. The Journey Method with Meira is Absolutely recommended!
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This was by far the best investment I made for myself and my business. It is life-changing!
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An amazing platform to grow your business without much effort really. I am very happy.
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This was by far the best investment I made for myself and my business. It is life-changing!

Change the world

It all starts with you

When you invest in your future through working with The Journey Coaching, you’re also creating meaningful change in the world. Not only do you benefit, but those around you have a better life too.  With a Journey Life Coach, you can free yourself from past trauma, a bad divorce, grief, shyness, or a lack of confidence.

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